Building Your Vision Into Reality

Building Your Vision Into Reality

Building Your Vision Into Reality

Building Your Vision Into Reality

Building Your Vision Into Reality

Building Your Vision Into Reality

KACON Group structure

Dri­ven ini­tial­ly & sup­port­ed by KACON Con­struc­tion Sdn Bhd com­mend­able growth, KACON Asset Group Sdn Bhd have been incor­po­rat­ed to grow its oper­a­tions fur­ther by tak­ing a lead­ing role in the over­all con­struc­tion and civ­il engi­neer­ing busi­ness relat­ed activ­i­ties. And mov­ing togeth­er, KACON Trade & Mar­ket­ing Sdn Bhd, a recent­ly estab­lished enti­ty will cater not just ‘in-house’ project require­ment needs but grad­u­al­ly expand with prod­ucts and ser­vices to gen­er­ate busi­ness demands from out­side of the Group.

KACON Group mission

KACON Group’s mot­to of ‘We Build Your Vision Into Real­i­ty’ isn’t sim­ply a tagline but a COMMITMENT. In real­i­ty, a dri­ving force behind our con­tin­u­ous focus on process excel­lence and qual­i­ty work stan­dards. And essen­tial­ly, to take charge and meet our tar­get­ed growth and goals.