Our Services

Building Works

Con­struc­tion of both com­mer­cial and non-com­mer­cial buildings.

Structural Foundation

Var­i­ous types, includ­ing E & M and Pil­ing work

Demolition Works

Tear down an exist­ing infra­struc­ture for new development.

Architectural & Interior Design Works

Hous­es, office shop lots, apart­ments and high rise build­ings are our specialties.

Talk To Us About Your Project

No Job Too Small

KACON Con­struc­tion Sdn Bhd is reg­is­tered with Malaysi­a’s Con­struc­tion Indus­try Devel­op­ment Board (CIDB) hold­ing a Grade Sev­en (7) license in the field of Civ­il Struc­ture for Bridges, Build­ings, Mechan­i­cal & Elec­tri­cal Works, plus Cer­ti­fied ISO 9001 : 2015 is per­mis­si­ble to under­take any job size with­out restric­tion. Already with a mod­est growth, KACON Group hopes that its ongo­ing dri­ve and efforts may even­tu­al­ly gain a strong foothold and sus­tain­able pres­ence in the build­ing indus­try. A rather chal­leng­ing feat but achiev­able, we believe.

Years Established

Completed Projects

Current Projects

Pro­posed Con­struc­tion and Com­ple­tion of 1 Block (10 Units) Four Storey Shop Office, Block T (Lot No 1961 – 1964) at Lot 6, Seksyen 3, On Lot 198, 374, 784, 786 & 788, Seksyen 2, On Lot 5, 6, 180, 190, 564, 670, 674, 1116, 1961 Seksyen 3, Jalan Raja Uda, Daer­ah Seberang Perai Utara, Negeri Pulau Pinang.

Cadan­gan Pem­ban­gu­nan Satu Blok (10 units) Kedai Peja­bat 4 Tingkat, Block G & S Diatas Lot Title 5342 – 5351, Jalan Pusat Per­ni­a­gaan Raja Uda 2, Seksyen 3, But­ter­worth, Daer­ah Seberang Perai Utara, Pulau Pinang.

Cadan­gan Satu Blok Rumah Pangsa Kos Ser­da­hana 12 Tingkat (198 Units) Diatas Lot 5666, Seksyen 3, Jalan Per­ni­a­gaan Raja Uda 6, Daer­ah Seberang Perai Utara, But­ter­worth, Negeri Pulau Pinang.

Cadan­gan Mem­bi­na Dan Menyi­ap­kan Pasar Muhib­bah Yang Men­gan­dun­gi 2 Tingkat Lot Gerai (440 Unit), 1 Tingkat Lot Gerai Makanan (20 Unit), 1 Unit Pen­cawang Elek­trik Dua Ruang, 1 Unit Rumah Sam­pah, 1 Unit Surau Lela­ki Dan Perem­puan, 2 Unit Pon­dok Pen­gaw­al Di Jalan Pud­i­na 24/​41, Seksyen 24, 40300 Shah Alam, Selan­gor (Penyi­a­pan Baki Kerja)

What To Expect When You Appoint Us.

The key to deliv­er­ing any suc­cess­ful project by us is through proac­tive plan­ning and effi­cient man­age­ment.
Our project team is expe­ri­enced and well verse in the pro­gres­sive and “on time” deliv­ery method. We know of mate­ri­als, costs and real­i­ties of con­struc­tion. With that knowl­edge, we pro­vide the best-val­ue solu­tions to our clients. And cou­pled with close work inter­ac­tion, coor­di­na­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion, our project team mem­bers are always on the same page, at every phase of con­struc­tion until full com­ple­tion and time­ly deliv­ery of the giv­en or award­ed job.

Call For More Details

(603) 7681 – 0776